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Wieboldt Resources

Wieboldt Hall Resources

Building Hours and Access


The Evening & Weekend MBA Program's office hours are as follows:

Regular office hours (when school is in session) 

  • Monday - Thursday: 12 p.m. - 8:30pm
  • Friday: 12 p.m. - 5:00 pm
  • Saturday: 8:30am - 1:30pm and 2:30pm - 5:00pm
  • Sunday: CLOSED

Office hours when classes are not in session: 

  • Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
  • Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED 

Your Northwestern Wildcard will let you into the building at the Chicago side entrance from:

  • Monday - Friday: 7:00 AM - 9:30 PM
  • Saturday: 7:00 AM - 9:30 PM
  • Sunday: 7:00 AM - 9:30 PM 

Building Access
If you have issues with your Wildcard and access to building facilities, please visit the Evening & Weekend office and fill out a Wildcard Access form or please submit an online request

Ordering Business Cards


Students are able to order Kellogg Business cards for use while they are completing their MBA degree requirements.

Ordering Instructions:

  • Go to the Allegra order site.  
  • As a new user you will need to register an account.  
  • Create a user log in name.  Select "Kellogg" as your site group.
  • Follow the prompts to place an order.
  • Quantity options: 250 cards: $50.00 and 500 cards: $60.00
  • Note free shipping to the Evening & Weekend MBA office on 2M or can be shipped to your address at UPS charges.
  • Cards will be shipped within 1-2 weeks.
  • If you have any questions, please contact Kyle Kurz via email at kyle@allegraevanston.com

If you have a special request, use the special instructions section on the order page.  Please follow up with an email noting that you have a special request and we will do everything possible to meet that request.  You can't use parentheses in your phone number at set up, but we can make that or other changes for you in the special notes section. 

Evening & Weekend MBA Career Coach Offices

The Evening & Weekend Career Coach offices are located just down the hall from the Evening & Weekend office on 2M, room M272.  If you have an appointment with a career coach, please wait outside for the career coach to come get you.  Seating is available just outside the office.  

To make an appointment with a career coach, please log in to the Career Management System (CMS) 

Classroom Assignments


Classroom assignments are posted on each floor of Wieboldt Hall and the large plasma screens right outside the elevators on the first class day of each quarter.  Extra copies of classroom assignments and faculty office assignments are available in the administrative office the first week of class. If you have any questions about where your class is located, please contact the Evening & Weekend office on 2M or call (312) 503-8385.

Building Facilities


A building directory is available which lists all facilities within Wieboldt Hall. 

To report a facilities problem, or you have any questions or concerns regarding the Wieboldt Hall facilities, please email facilities-chicago@kellogg.northwestern.edu

If you have a too hot/too cold room request, please call 312-503-8387 during business hours and 312-503-8314 during non-business hours.

To report a public computing or printing problem, please email kis@kellogg.northwestern.edu.  

Faculty Offices

If a professor has office hours, faculty offices are located just down the hall from the Evening & Weekend office on 2M, room M272.  To find out a professor's office number, please check the classroom schedule posted on the plasma just outside the elevators or on the wall next to the faculty office entrance.  

Kellogg Emporium


To purchase Kellogg gear and items, please visit the online order site for the Kellogg Emporium. The Global Hub and the Allen Center on the Evanston campus both have a wide selection of items at their Kellogg Emporium stores.

Kafe Kellogg


Kafe Kellogg is located on the third floor of Wieboldt Hall where meals and snacks can be purchased. The Kafe offers candy, gum. bags of chips/pretzels ,cookies, granola bars and Hot and Cold beverages.

Hours (when classes are in session):
Monday - Thursday: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 


Only credit cards are accepted as a form of payment. 

KIS Support

Kellogg Information Systems (KIS) provides walk-in, phone, and email support. Support offered includes computer configuration, loaner equipment, hardware repairs, software troubleshooting, account and access assistance; as well as support for many other Kellogg resources and services. 

The KIS office is located on the 1st floor of Wieboldt Hall, room 125.  Click here for contact info and support hours.

Schaffner Library


NOTE: The library is permanently closed. 

The Joseph Schaffner Library, located on the second floor of Wieboldt Hall, provides library services to Kellogg students. Reference materials, mini-searches and a coin-operated photocopier are just a few of the services offered. Call (312) 503-8422 for hours throughout the academic year. 

The main library on the Evanston campus is also available to Part-Time MBA Program students.  Books borrowed from Evanston may be returned there or at Schaffner Library.  For more information, call (847) 491-7658 or visit the Schaffner Library Business Databases and Research Guides. 

Here are some of the online business information resources for the Northwestern University community:
Libguides - gain access to subject and industry guides, global databases and more.
Business Databases - access business databases worldwide.
Kellogg Research Centers

Lost and Found


The University is not responsible for the theft, loss or damage of personal property in any University building.  If you do lose something, please check with the Evening & Weekend front desk on 2M.  Facilities will inform the rest of the offices in the building.  If it is found, you will be contacted.  If something is stolen, please call NU Police to report it at 312-503-3456.  

Student Mailboxes


Student mailboxes on the first floor of Wieboldt Hall were phased out during the Fall 2018 Quarter. Please contact eveningweekend@kellogg.northwestern.edu with questions.

Name Plate and Name Tag Replacement


Lose your name plate or name tag?  Now you can easily order and purchase a new one online!  

Order new name plate & magnetic name tag here

Name plate replacement fee: $26

Magnetic name tag replacement fee: $13

Orders are typically processed on the fifth week and last week of each quarter. When your nameplate/tag arrives, you will be notified via email to be picked up in the 2M Suite. If you would like a temporary nameplate, one can be picked up in the 2M office before classes start. Please contact eveningweekend@kellogg.northwestern.edu with questions.

Evening & Weekend MBA Administrative Office


The Evening & Weekend MBA Administrative office is located on 2M of Wieboldt Hall and houses operations for Admissions, and Student Experience.  Services include name plate/name tag replacement requests, purchasing shuttle tickets, and general information.  To reach the Evening & Weekend office, please call the office main line at 312-503-8385 or email eveningweekend@kellogg.northwestern.edu.

Public Computing and Printing


Computer kiosks and network printers are available on the 1st, 2nd and 4th floors of Wieboldt Hall.  NetID and password are required to log on.  Students can send a document to print from any public computer and print it from any of the public printers by swiping their WildCARD.  If your WildCARD does not work, you can log in with your NetID and password on the main screen.  Questions?  Email kis@kellogg.northwestern.edu or visit the KIS office on the 1st floor, room 125. 

Reflection Room | Maternity Room


Reflection RoomWieboldt Hall is equipped with electronic-free space for quiet introspection and/or meditation. You can find the student reflection room on the fourth floor in room 451.

Maternity Room: Kellogg students have access to a maternity room on floor 2M (room M265). The room is for use for pumping or breastfeeding only. Student's must request access to the space via the Mother's Room Access Request form. The space is equipped with a small fridge for day use only, we can not store milk overnight in the fridges. 

Uber discount for Weekend Students


Uber Discount for Weekend Students Flying in for Class
Kellogg has partnered with Uber to offer a discount to weekend students who fly in for class.  Click on the Uber discount link here for more information.  

Study Group Rooms


Study Group Rooms

  • Study rooms may be reserved by students for group study or meetings with two or more students
  • These rooms may be reserved for up to three hours per day per group.
  • Rooms may be reserved up to two weeks in advance.
  • A group will lose priority on a room if they are ½ hour late.
  • 4th floor reservations will be limited to Wieboldt Hall building hours of 7:00 am – 10:00 pm daily (except on official holidays when the building is closed)
  • 2nd floor reservations will be limited to Monday-Friday: 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
  • The study group rooms are for groups of students only. Individual students should use the library for quiet study. Please note that Evening & Weekend programs such as the Leadership Core Series and KPPI-440-5 may limit the room availability on certain weekend days.
  • If a study group room is empty, students are still expected to reserve the room in Outlook.  Reservations may already have been made for that room and so students are at risk of being kicked out and the reserving party inconvenienced.  

Instructions to reserve a study group room via Outlook or Webmail

Please contact eveningweekend@kellogg.northwestern.edu with any questions and someone from our team will get back to you shortly.

Kellogg Templates


Complete with Kellogg and Northwestern logos, these templates are pre-approved and ready to use for students.