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University Resources

University Resources

Abbott Hall

Abbott Hall, 710 N. Lake Shore Drive, is home to the university bookstore, Student Accounts, the Parking and WildCARD offices, and a US Bank cash station machine. 

Financial Aid: 312-503-8722

Student Accounts
: 312-503-8503

Parking Office: 312-503-1103

University Bookstore: 312-503-8486 

Wildcard Office: 312-503-0548

Area Hotels

There are a number of area hotels located within walking distance of the Chicago campus and Kellogg Evening & Weekend Program at Wiebboldt Hall (340 E. Superior Street).  Many have discount rates for Northwestern University. 

University Bookstore

Located on the first floor of Abbott Hall (710 N. Lake Shore Drive), the bookstore carries required textbooks for Kellogg courses, plus some Kellogg swag.  Call (312) 503-8486 for bookstore hours. Click here to check on the availability of a textbook.

How to Find a Building on Campus


Campus Safety

To ensure your safety on campus, the university offers a number of services to students, faculty and staff, including Emergency Police "Blue Light" Call Boxes, which are situated in strategic locations on both the Chicago and Evanston campuses to quickly reach University Police to report crimes, suspicious activity, medical emergencies or concerns about your personal safety.  

University Police Safety Escorts are also available in the event that you do not feel safe walking to your car or other on-campus location.  Just call 312-503-3456 (or 456 from a campus phone).  

The SafeRide Shuttle in Chicago operates in the evening between Northwestern’s Chicago campus, various Metra stations and CTA El stations in the downtown area from the Chicago Campus outside Abbott Hall until 9:45pm.  Check the SafeRide schedule for more information. 

We strongly recommend that all students are familiar with the safety tips provided by the NU Police Department. 

Northwestern's Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics

As provided by the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, now known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, you are entitled to request and receive a copy of Northwestern University's Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. This Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Northwestern University; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from campus. The Report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies on drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, fire safety and other matters. You can obtain a copy of this report by contacting the Northwestern University Police Department Deputy Chief at (847) 491-3256. The report can also be accessed and printed from the University Police website.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) serves as the primary mental health service at Northwestern University with offices on both the Evanston and Chicago campuses. CAPS provides a set of core services, including clinical services, educational workshops, and more.  Phone: 847-491-2151

Concert and Theater Tickets

Check out theatrical performances at Northwestern's School of Communication.  In addition, Pick-Staiger Concert Hall, (847) 491-5441, and the Theatre Interpretation Center, (847) 491-7282, sponsor many concert and theater events. 

Services for Students with Disabilities

Students who need assistance due to any disability must notify AccessibleNU, 7th Floor of Abbott Hall, Suite 727 at 710 N. Lakeshore Drive, 847.467.5530 or TTY.467.5533, e-mail accessiblenu@northwestern.edu. AccessibleNU will provide documentation that will be used to secure additional test time or special assistance. 

Guest Wireless Access at Northwestern

While visiting Northwestern, campus guests can connect to the Guest-Northwestern wireless network from most wireless access points.

Student Health Service

Evening & Weekend students may enroll in optional clinic or comprehensive health insurance. For more information on health insurance and/or how to sign up for coverage, contact the Insurance Office at (847) 491-2113. More information is available on the University Health Services website.  Information about immunization requirements for new students is also available.  

If you or someone you know is in need of counseling for alcohol and/or substance abuse, contact the Alcohol/Substance Abuse Education Department at (847) 467-2840.

Northwestern Sports

To learn more about Northwestern sports teams, their game schedules or how to purchase tickets, please visit NUSports.com.

Recreation and Fitness Facilities

All NU students with a current WildCARD ID are able to use the recreational facilities on both the Chicago and Evanston campuses.  Questions: (847) 491-4300 

On the Chicago campus, students in the Evening & Weekend program may use the facilities at Fitness Formula Clubs.  Click here for more information.  In addition, members will also have use of the Chicago Park District's Lake Shore Field house and facilities. View access hours.

To view available recreational facilities on the Evanston campus click here.

Student Accounts

Student Accounts handles all financial activities for students related to tuition and other fees.  For billing and tuition payment inquiries please contact 312-503-8503.

Wildcard Card (Student ID)

The WildCARD, or student ID card, may be obtained through the WildCARD Office in Abbott Hall on the Chicago campus (710 N. Lake Shore Drive).  NOTE: Due to the specific building access technology used on the Chicago campus that differs from the Evanston campus, Wildcards may only be obtained at the Wildcard office on the Chicago campus.

Uses of the WildCARD include: checking out library materials, parking, and obtaining access to resource areas in Wieboldt Hall.  Discounts at area businesses are also available. For current hours and more information regarding the use of your WildCARD, click here or call (312) 503-0548.  There is a replacement fee of $25.00 (cash or check) for lost or stolen Wildcards.  

Wieboldt Hall Building and Printing Access
If you have issues with your Wildcard and accessibility to building facilities, please visit the PTMBA office and fill out a Wildcard Access form, please submit an online request.  

If you have trouble printing with your Wildcard, try entering in your NetID and password on the main screen.  If you continue to have issues, please email kis@kellogg.northwestern.edu or visit the KIS office on the 1st floor, room 125. 

New students: Your Wildcard will be processed and available for pickup at the Part-Time office on 2M on the first day of class.